This is an official repository of ROOter updates compiled automatically by ATurnOfTheNut, in coordination with DairyMan of OfModemsAndMen, from the latest ROOter build systems and script sources.
Autobuilt images are identified with an "-AB" suffix at the end of the file name, and a two or more character code indicating the build system. The modem handling code and other things that make these ROOter are the same in all build systems - the only differences are the version of OpenWRT the system is based on, and any special patches to OpenWRT itself in that build system that might have been necessary to get the routers in that system running.
Build systems noted as specialized are not necessarily experimental and are not different in features - they usually exist as a way to get the standard ROOter support and features on a router that is not supported by the primary build system. Sometimes routers are also added to these systems at user request to get access to later kernels for more powerful routers, or other features that aren't always available on the older primary build system.
These images are automatically generated weekly, beginning at 10am UTC on Wednesdays, and not human verified before posting.
This folder is intended to contain a "stock image" of all of the routers supported by ROOter, in order to provide a "latest and greatest" image with the most up to date scripts available at the time they are generated. If you use one of these images and discover issues, please see below for guidance to get support for your issue (while making us aware of the problem so that we can get it resolved for others).
There is no guarantee that the images in this folder will be suitable for your needs, but they will be some of the most up to date images available for the currently supported routers.
For more general information about the ROOter fork of OpenWRT, see the OfModemsAndMen website, the official home of ROOter.
For support in using ROOter, see the extremely helpful but extremely long ROOter support thread at Whirlpool Forums. While it may (at this time) already be over 1800 pages long, it is actively monitored by the lead developer and many supporting developers and active users, and will usually be the fastest and most thorough means of support.
Specifically, if you're having trouble with: ROOter itself or, ask for user dairyman (a.k.a. DM) (the lead developer) This Autobuilds folder or website, ask for user nathhad or contact via that username at gmail.
If you're looking instead for the files needed to create your own ROOter build environment, look here for the instructions. The actual build system files are all available from Github per the instructions.
If you're looking for the folder of custom recent builds manually generated by Dairyman based on user requests, see here.
If you're looking for the Docker-based build environment containers used to build and run this autobuild server, that project is located here.
None currently.
Many, if not most, 8MB routers no longer have enough flash space to support updated builds, as updates and new features are added. With newer, post-21.02 build systems, even many 16MB routers now struggle to fit a complete image. As a router hits a point where the autobuild system can no longer build an image for it, the last successfully built images will remain online at the Autobuild Archive below, but please be aware newer fixes will be missing, and no further updates will be available.
User carp4 has donated a Google Shared Drive large enough to host all the old images I don't have enough room to keep here (currently over 1TB worth as of early 2025). The link:
ROOter Home Page ROOter support thread Hosting by Chuck (nathhad) at ATurnOfTheNut.